Monday, December 30, 2019

History Of Mexico A Long And Rich One - 1157 Words

The History of Mexico is a long and rich one, but it is also a really fascinating one. Before the spanish arrived in Mexico, it was already largely inhabited by native Mexicans. These native Mexicans were known as the Chichimecs and they were mostly hunter and gatherer societies. In the rest of Mexico however existed much more advanced populations. Populations like Mayans, Totonacs, Huastecs, Otomis, Mixtecs, Zapotecs, Tlaxcalans, Tarascans, and the Aztecs. These civilizations developed elaborate urban systems of religious, political, and commercial purposes. Cities like Tenochtitlan and Chichen Itza are examples of such cities. When the Spanish arrived into central Mexico, the Aztecs had controlled most of the mesa central through a tribute system. The reason the Aztecs were in the central mesa region was because of their prophecy to found a city on the basis of an eagle with a snake on its beak that was resting on a cactus, this later became Mexicos national symbol. Tenochtitlan wa s founded in the 1300s and became the capital of the Aztec empire, which they then began warring with local Tribes. Mexicos name actually derives from the Aztec god of war Mexitli. From the time the Spanish landed in Mexico until the end of Hernando Cortez’s conquest 1521, Mexico was a colony of Spain. Cortez first entered the valley of Mexico on the mesa central in 1519 after marching from Veracruz, the town that he had founded on the gulf coastal plain. With only 200 men, the conquest of theShow MoreRelatedThe Revolution Of The United States1064 Words   |  5 Pages History is very long and complicated, so many scholars have a different opinion on why what was reasons for events happening the way they did in the various countries and Mexico is known differently. One statement made by a historian named Timothy, Ann statement that it is a struggle between local the nation was cause of chaos in Mexico. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution Essay

Background Research Throughout history, children have always worked, either as apprentices or servants. However, child labor reached a whole new scale during the time period of the Industrial Revolution. Throughout the time frame of late 1800s-early 1900s, children worked long hours in dangerous factory conditions for very little wages. They were considered useful as laborers because their small stature allowed them to be cramped into smaller spaces, and they could be paid less for their services. Many worked to help support their families, and by doing so, they forwent their education. Numerous nineteenth century reformers and labor groups sought to restrict child labor and to improve working conditions. The Industrial Revolution was a†¦show more content†¦The younger boys who worked at the mines were called breaker boys. They didn’t work in the mine itself, but sat on benches and picked out the bits of rock from the coal. â€Å"These children worked in the picking room, a crowded, high-ceilinged vault, crisscrossed with rickety catwalks and crooked stairs, lit only by a wall of grime-choked windows† (Levine, Marvin J. Mines, Mills, and Canneries. Children for Hire: The Perils of Child Labor in the United States. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003. 21. Print.) Within factories, small children had to work fast at the machines, being very careful unless an unfortunate body part happens to get caught in the high-powered, dangerous machinery. For several long hours in rooms without fresh air, ventilation, and sometimes, no windows, the working conditions that the children suffered through were appalling. There are children who work in hazardous industries, risking accident and injury; there are others working in conditions that take a slower but definite toll on the children’s health (Basu, Kaushik, and Pham Hoang Van. The Economics of Child Labor The Economics of Child Labor (1998): 412-27. Print.). Many of the families that had children wo rking had not much choice in allowing their kids to do so. One person or even two people working wouldn’t have been enough to support a whole family. Most of the children employed during this time period were working to provide income to their families. â€Å"As soon as a littleShow MoreRelatedChild Labor During The Industrial Revolution1934 Words   |  8 PagesMaggie Luke Mrs. Nester English 4 15 December 2014 Child Labor in Britain during the Industrial Revolution Child labor was a cruel and unfair way of using children in unnecessary situations. 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Because of the child labor during the Industrial Revolution today’s society currently h as laws to improve the workingRead MoreEssay Child Labor During The Industrial Revolution969 Words   |  4 PagesDuring the 18 and beginning of the 19th century in certain regions of the U.S child labor made up more than 40 percent of the population (Wolensky). That’s almost half of the working population. Since the beginning of time children have always been known to help their families with domestic tasks. Most of these kids worked in factories because they were easy to control and paid less than adults. Kids earned less than half of what adults made in the work force. In these factories they usually cleanedRead Moreâ€Å"the Horrifying Effects of Child Labor During the Industrial Revolution Era†2220 Words   |  9 PagesThe world has had many great accomplishments but what people often fail to think about are the consequences of these great accomplishments. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Identifying Potential Risk, Response, Recovery Free Essays

In this paper I have just been hired as an Information Security Engineer for a video game development company. I have previously identified all of the potential Threats, Vulnerabilities and Malicious Attacks for the videogame development company. The CIO have reviewed my report and has now requested that I draft a report analyzing and assessing any potential Malicious Attacks, Vulnerabilities and Threats that may be carried out against the company’s network. We will write a custom essay sample on Identifying Potential Risk, Response, Recovery or any similar topic only for you Order Now I will then choose a strategy for dealing with risk, such as mitigation, assignment, risk and avoidance. Next I will develop controls that will be used to mitigate each risk. Now let’s begin by discussing the threat of the Web/FTP server, some servers, or hosts, must be open to the internet. Web servers are examples of such hosts. You want any user to be able to access your web server- but you don’t want everyone to be able to get to your internal network (Fundamentals of Information Systems Security). The simple solution for this is just to isolate the host that is connected to the internet from the internal networks and then create a demilitarized zone. The risk mitigation for the Web/FTP, the FTP is very useful for working with remote systems, or to move files between systems. On the other hand the use of FTP across the internet or other untrusted networks, exposes you to certain security risk. Your object authority scheme might not provide enough protection when you allow the FTP on your system. The next risk for FTP is a hacker can mount a denial of service attack with your FTP server to disable user profile (FTP Security). This is usually done by repeatedly trying to logging on with the incorrect password for a user profile, generally until the profile is disabled. This kind of attack will disable the profile if it reached the maximum sign on count of three. If the company use a FTP server logon exit program to reject logon requests by any system user profile and those user profiles that the company designate will not be allowed FTP access. Now we will discuss the NIDS, the primary purpose of a network-based intrusion detection system is to identify attackers trying to expose vulnerable network services. The NIDS can respond to the attack or alert personnel, who can take the necessary and appropriate actions for this type of attack. NIDS allows administrator to respond to attacks with actions appropriate to their security policy. To properly analyze false alarm reduction strategies, it is necessary to quantify risk and the NIDS role in risk reduction. The NIDS uses two formulas, one formula assumes that risk is roughly equivalent to single loss expectancy. This formula for this quantification is SLE= (Asset Value x Exposure Factor) (Fundamentals of Information Systems Security). The next formula states that risk is equal to exposure multiplied by threat. Risk= Exposure x Threat. This equation determines threat and the type of threat. For example there are threats of port scans, automated scans and sweeps, Denial of Service and Service attacks and compromises. Now we will move on to Windows 2008 Active Directory Domain Controllers (DC), because domain controllers provide critical services to their clients, it is crucial to minimize the risk of any disruption of these services that may be caused by malicious attacks. Antivirus Software can be used to mitigate the risk of malicious attacks in Windows 2008 Active Directory Domain Controllers. Make sure that you verify the antivirus software you select is confirmed to be compatible with your domain controllers. Do not use domain controller systems as general workstations. Another way to prevent malicious attacks on domain controller systems is to not allow users to use domain controllers to surf the web or to perform any other activities that can allow the introduction of malicious code. Only allow browsing on sites that are known to be safe, this will be did strictly for the purpose of supporting server operation and maintenance. Another practice to keep in mind is to make sure that all of the company’s files, including the shared ones, should be ran against a virus scanning software. This bring me to the file servers, have the potential to receive different viruses such as worms, Trojan horses and logic bombs. To allow an end user to upload files to your website, is like opening another door for a malicious user to compromise your server (acunetix. com). File uploads are permitted in social network applications. File uploads are also allowed with blogging, e-banking sites and you tube. All of these network sites allow users the opportunity to efficiently share files with corporate employees. Users are allowed to share files with corporate employees, through uploaded videos, pictures, avatars and many other types of files. The best way to prevent malicious attacks through the company’s file servers is to make sure that the file that is being uploaded is validated. This will prevent a hacker from uploading files with malicious codes that can lead to a server compromise. Another way to prevent a malicious attack on the file server is for the company to block all dangerous extensions. In cases like this, there would be a blacklist, the list will show the dangerous extensions and there access will be denied if the extension of file they are trying to upload is on this list. The best practices to follow when uploading files onto websites and web applications. The first risk mitigation in a file server is to estimate the size of programs, files, and transaction. Then you will need to prevent deviation in size of the files as well as the amount of users that have access to the files. Now we will move forward the Wireless access point (WAP), this is the connection between a wired and wireless network. This is also a wireless security protocol designed to address and fix the known security issues in WEP. WAP’s are radios, sending and receiving networking information over the air between wireless devices and the wired network wireless (Fundamentals of Information Systems Security). The best way to prevent malicious attacks on a WAP is to increase security. Presently WPA provides users with a higher level of assurance that their data will remain protected by using Temporal Key Integrity Protocol for data encryption. If the data is not encrypted then it is considered as fair game, because it would be very easy for anyone that have access to a radio to access this data. The mitigation risk for a Wireless access point is to make sure your technology is updated. Failure to upgrade to newer, more advanced technologies could potentially impact productivity and lead to significant downtime, security vulnerabilities, and non-compliance issues. Older wireless technology do not support new features and functions that are proving to be so valuable. Next you will need to choose the right carrier, ensuring information is secure within the supply chain, complying with all the latest government and retailer mandates and taking advantage of all the latest features and functions to save time and money can seem like a daunting task ( Wireless technology Migration: Mitigating risk and increasing supply chain efficiency). Now we will discuss the 100- Desktop/Laptop computers, both of these computers are subject to viruses such as worms, hoaxes, Trojans and other security vulnerabilities. The best way to prevent these from occurring is to install and use a firewall. Always make sure you are installing and updating the latest critical security software. Add a virus software scanner, to allow the software to scan your computer for potential viruses. Next we will discuss the VOIP telephone system, this is one of the newest technologies that is being rapidly embraced by the market as an alternative to the traditional public switched telephone network. The malicious attacks that can occur with this system is denial of service, impersonation or spoofing or toll  Ã‚  fraud. The best way to prevent this from happening is to add port security, cisco secure access control server, DHCP Snooping, Cisco firewall solutions and intrusion prevention. Data transit can also be used to protect the voice traffic over the wireless LAN’s. The risk mitigation for desktop/laptop is as followed is to target malware with automated defenses. One of the first line of defenses for any PC or laptop is to block or eliminate viruses, worms, spyware, and other malware, including Trojan downloaders and keystroke loggers, both on endpoints and at the gateway. Deploy anti-malware and filtering software for all email gateways, to prevent malware and spam from ever reaching the PC’s. Next you would want to patch your vulnerabilities as quickly as possible, create a password to access your PC or laptop. To really maximize security in a minimal amount of time, as part of the â€Å"acceptable use† policy, prohibit users from installing unauthorized software on PC’s or laptops (10 Ways to mitigate your security risk). How to cite Identifying Potential Risk, Response, Recovery, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

An Investigation on the USA Market

Question: Describe about Various sectors and its GDP contribution, PEST Analysis and Key findings in USA Market? Answer: Introduction: The US economy stands as one of the largest economies is the worlds, having a transition from the agricultural sector to Industrial sector, which took many revolutionary changes (Naroff and Scherer, 2014). The project is an MCT of the US market which brings out a research on PEST analsis. With the help of various secondary data from trade sources, government sources, database sources and academic sources the research work has are preceded. There are certain remedies the the market must follow so as to avoid negative effects on the global market. The US market plays an important role in the international trade. The study will include the potential consumers, the market conditions and other similar perspective. Various sectors and its GDP contribution in the market: Table: 1 The GDP Breakdown by sectors in %age: (, 2015) Industry In %age 1. Mining, Quarrying and Oil gas extraction 4.70 2. Management of companies and enterprise 12.50 3. Healthcare and Social 8.60 4. Manufacturing 21.50 5. wholesale 5.50 6. Retail 5.80 7. Transportation warehousing 2.80 8. Information 9.50 9. Finance and Insurance 15.6 10. Agriculture 3.90 11. Professional Scientific Technical 6.0 12. Arts, entertainment and recreation 1.8 13. Accommodation and food services 1.8 Figure: 1 GDP breakdown of sectors: PEST Analysis The PEST analysis helps to comprehend various aspects of a market that facilitates the potential factors in respect of Political, Economic, Social and Technical grounds (, 2015). The following is a PEST analysis of US market: Political: USA has an influential democratic effective laws and rules that are counted as transparent and justifiable. USA enjoys a good political influence in policy making on the global and national forum . Factors Severity Type impacts Trading policies high (-)tive - Political pressure medium (+)tive favourable Government policies low (+)tive favourable International Relationships medium - favourable terrorism medium - stable The US Government plays the role of a Superpower globally. Though it maintains a good international relation still it faces many criticisms for its domineering policies regarding its measures taken against terrorism. This puts a medium impact on its foreign relations (USA TODAY, 2015). Economic: The current GDP of United States has total Purchase Power Parity of $16.72 Trillion along with total GDP (nominal) is US$ 16.768 Trillion (Bureau, 2015). The US Economy is well developed and the pillar of its infrastructure is its Manufacturing Industries and service industries. The country saw a high rate of unemployment in 2009 that made a negative impact for the economy. However, it recovered the problem in the third quarter of 2014. There is an adverse impact of increasing deficit in its budget which is currently staggering at $506 million (, 2015). Table: 2 the GDP growth years USD Billions 2008 14480.3 2010 14417.9 2012 15533.8 2014 16800 The GDP growth rate of USA is shown below ( Figure:2 Social: Like majority urbanized countries, the US also confronts the dilemma of an aging mass that might lead to a serious issue for labor availability (, 2015). However, the healthcare and education sectoris considered as to top the list in world rankings. A liberal mindset is what the population bears, but there are increasing racial intolerance. Subsequently, another concern is illegal immigration. There are currently 11.7 million people residing illegally in USA that increases the risk of racial discrimination. Technology: Technology and innovation are considered as the major cornerstones of the economy of United States. The country is technologically advanced and presently 91.6% of household are having computer access (, 2015). There are many developing and developed countries that are giving a tough competition to USA yet it strives to maintain its top position in technology. According to the market spectators and researchers USA ranks the third position in being most innovative country (CityLab). United States of America leads in technical areas such as biotechnology, environmental technology and most importantly in Nano technology (, 2015). These sections provide huge opportunities for enterprise with specialization in various fields. Another important technological field is the Information Technology. This field is facing a good competition with India and China. PEST Analysis Estimation: Factors Effect on market (Out of 10) Political 8 Economic 9 Social 5 Technology 10 Key Findings: Political: Through pestle analysis it was found that though the trade policies and government policy is favorable for a good market operations yet terrorism acts as a barrier. The countries foreign relations are good to many developing and developed countries but it also invites competition that may be unfavorable. Economic: after a glance at the GDP growth it can be said that the country is doing well, but still the employment rates are not improving. According to recent articles the unemployment rate is still 5.6% (, 2015). Social: according to the PEST analysis and the demography of USA the majority of Americans is found to be at their old age, which forecasts a chance of labor crisis in near future. Moreover the number of inter races are more which results in racial discrimination. Technological: USA is amongst the leading companies in technology. Technology lies in every type of market operations. Today the IT companies are playing a vital role at the same time these IT companies are competing against each other which can turn out to be a bad impact on the countries business policy . Recommendations: For political issues the company needs to focus on its international relations and foreign policies. The War against terror and the supremacy need to be solved. The 9/11 case, where the countrys economy was hugely affected created a big alarm. The economy fluctuates and is very much affected by the unemployment rates. The market needs a scope for increasing employment rates by providing jobs in services sectors and sectors where general skills are required. Socially, the country needs to increase the opportunities for studying and keep a high check on the immigrants and their settlement. The market will be highly facilitated by the increasing number of labor. Technology: The country is already technologically advanced yet it needs to put a healthy environment among its stakeholders and companies. Conclusion: The investigation shows that the US markets needs to emphasize more on the political factors. The current stock market shares seem to be favorable. The US market is now one of the leading market in global economy and presently focuses on their IT sector where the country is facing competition. References, (2015).News Release: Gross Domestic Product. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Feb. 2015]. Bureau, U. (2015).detail_page_visual-standard-U.S. Census Bureau. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Feb. 2015]., (2015).PEST analysis | Queensland Government. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Feb. 2015]. CityLab, (2011).The Worlds Leading Nations for Innovation and Technology. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Feb. 2015]., (2015).Bureau of Labor Statistics Data. 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