Saturday, February 29, 2020

Analysis Of Recruitment Methods At Tata Consultancy Services

Analysis Of Recruitment Methods At Tata Consultancy Services Introduction to Recruitment Indian business industry is experiencing vibrant changes in recent times as never endured in the past. Range of national economy resulted from a steady growth in business industry. This growth finally depends up on potential human resources of the organizations. Customer focus, cost advantageous, agility in the process, quality of products and services, certainty and last but not the least multi-task human resources are appeared to be core competencies of modern age organizations. Human Resource Management can be viewed as an approach to management that considers people as key resources. Human Resource Management is developed from the practice of Personnel Management. Personnel Management assists with the management of people in an organization. Personnel Management is concerned with establishing, maintaining and developing systems that provide the framework of employment. This framework of systems operates through employee’s relationship with the organization starting from recruitment to retirement (Eugene and Nic 2008). Personnel management is traditional and properly related to old model of organization, which is bureaucratic in nature. That means PM is less flexible and has higher degree of centralization. Personnel management is concerned with obtaining, developing and motivating human resources needed by the organization to achieve its objectives. The aim of personnel management is to make an effective contribution to the objectives of the organization and to the fulfillment of its social responsibilities (Armstrong, 2006). In addition, as Armstrong (2006) defines ‘Human Resource Management is a strategic and coherent approach to management of organizations’ most valued assets’. Human Resource Management system as HRM operates through HR system that brings together in a coherent way (Armstrong, 2006). HR philosophies: which describe the value and guiding principles adopted in managing people. HR Strategies defining the direction in which HRM intends to go HR Policies: these are the guidelines defining how these values, principles and strategies should be applied and implemented in specific areas of HRM. HR Processes: consisting of procedures and methods used to put HR strategic plans and policies into effect. HR Practices: comprising of informal approaches used to manage people. HR Programs: which enable HR strategies, policies and practices to be implemented according to plans. The role of HR manger has changed in response to social, economic, political conditions and to changes in technology and it is still developing dynamically. In addition, the relative importance of several activities has changed as external circumstances have affected the needs of organizations and it is still a dynamic area where the roles and ways of organizing the HR function continue to change and develop (Foot and Hook, 2008). the concept of Human Resource Management first appeared in the 1980s and the use of the term grew in the 1990s ( foot and Hook 2008). in HRM, there is a greater emphasis on strategic issues and on the way in which the human resource contributes to the achievement of corporate objectives. Write about SHRM There are ranges of activities that HR managers do on regular basis: recruitment and selection, learning and development, human resource planning, provision of contracts and fair treatment, provision of equal opportunities, managing diversity, motivating workers to achieve improved performance, employee counseling, talent management, payment and rewards, health and safety, dealing with grievances, redundancy, negotiation, adding value, ethics and corporate responsibility, change and knowledge management and so on (Foot and Hook, 2008).

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Polarization as a Barrier to Effective Crisis Negotiation Essay

Polarization as a Barrier to Effective Crisis Negotiation - Essay Example ellow participant in an argument as â€Å"the other† or as something of an antagonist rather than an equal shareholder in the process and something that is quite actually neutral. Similarly, when dealing with a given situation, it is common for me to assume that the self-interested motives of others will be the sole determinant in helping to determine the way that the engagement plays out. Thirdly, rather than being able to see the situation in shades of nuance and shades of gray, or even shades of right or wrong, I am oftentimes tempted to view it from a perspective of fulfilling my own needs; regardless of whether it is able to do the same for the fellow shareholder. Although fulfilling my own needs within the given circumstance is not bad in and of itself, it is a selfish motive that helps to drive the integration apart. Fourthly, with regards to a polarizing situation regarding communication, it is often my weakness to seek to link to the speaker and the message. This is a n oversight due to the fact that it assumes that these two are necessarily the same (Medvec 389). Moreover, a better approach would be to seek to focus upon the message without polarizing it and seeking to have it intimately related to the original speaker or his/her own vantage point. Lastly, and perhaps most specifically, I oftentimes attempt to polarize situations into firmly determinant shades of good/bad/right/wrong etc. These levels of polarization serve to lessen my ability to analyze and draw inference from a number of situations; it ultimately weakens my skill in interpreting the world around me. As a function of these 5 polarizations that have been listed, the most effective way to engage them is to seek to lessen the effect that they play on my everyday life and as a means of understanding them, seek to work to overcome them. Furthermore, by approaching the above situations with an open mind and thoroughly focusing upon not developing preconceived perceptions of the

Saturday, February 1, 2020

President Barack Obama as a speaker, discussing his content and Essay

President Barack Obama as a speaker, discussing his content and delivery style - Essay Example Ageism is a set of beliefs that enable people to justify prejudices based on age, its use being either casual or systematic. This form of discrimination is increasingly becoming common especially against elderly people. There is an increasing belief that the older people, or the elderly, are past their prime and that they cannot function well in society. In fact, it is said that these people have become useless to society and should therefore, not be shown any form of respect by the younger generation. President Obama has in his speech and in support of universal healthcare indirectly come in support of the elderly. In essence, his belief in universal healthcare has shown that he does not believe in ageism and, in fact, values all the people in society. Racism is the belief that Man is divided into various groups known as races and that such groups bear certain characteristics, which make them either superior or inferior. Racism is one of the most predominant forms of discrimination today, and it is experienced by people in all occupations. President Obama, in many of his speeches on racism, the most notable being the one to the NAACP, states that America has come a long way in fighting against racial discrimination. However, he also states that the fight against it in American society is not over and that it is likely to go on well into the future (Thompson and Thompson). Religious discrimination is the treatment of certain people in a different way because of their spiritual beliefs. This is usually done most especially against those people who belong to either a different religion, or a different denomination. Those who adhere to different religions are usually discriminated against in such cases as legal proceedings, or when attempting to get employment. One of the people who tend to face religious discrimination in the Western world is