Monday, April 27, 2020

IELTS Essay Topics That Require You to Get Into Some Depth on Genetics, Genetic Engineering and Technological Progress

IELTS Essay Topics That Require You to Get Into Some Depth on Genetics, Genetic Engineering and Technological ProgressIELTS essay topics that require you to get into some depth on genetics, genetic engineering and technological progress is the very same as the topic of your IELTS exam. Indeed, IELTS exercises is completely a product of the environment and beliefs of the student, not the level of academic performance or the actual knowledge he has about the topic.A good IELTS essay will cover three main sections. The first will be the overall discussion on the subject, the second would be the details of the topic you want to present and the third section will include the actual discussion of the subject in your essay. Let's see how these three parts come together to make a sound essay.Before we start discussing the actual content of your IELTS essay, let's look at why we need to talk about genetics. I think this is important because many people don't understand why genetics are so imp ortant in explaining the evolution of life. Just think of the billions of new species that have arisen in the last one hundred million years since the beginning of the evolution of life on earth. It seems clear to me that many aspects of evolution have been contributed by the help of genetics.After understanding the introduction of the topic of genetics, let's now move on to the examples of how we need to deal with the main topic of IELTS essay, i.e. evolutionary biology. As we have already noted, it seems to me that genetic engineering is a topic that we need to discuss in a brief and precise manner.The reason for this is that if we don't include the issue of genetic engineering in our IELTS essay, we will be leaving out an important component of the subject. In other words, we are just ignoring a major aspect of the entire course material and you would be surprised at the number of students who do this. For example, they will not spend enough time studying the history of genetics and its importance in the life sciences, they will not spend enough time discussing the biochemistry of the genes in such detail and they will not go far enough into the latest advances in modern molecular biology.Genetic engineering is nothing more than the development of synthetic genes which are specifically designed to develop and carry on a beneficial life-form in its own. In other words, the most popular genetically engineered organisms are those animals that feed on genetically engineered plants. If you don't know much about the animal world, it would be wise to study the basics about the plants before you move on to try genetic engineering.As I pointed out earlier, the topic of genetics is extremely crucial to the understanding of biological laws in all forms. If we don't deal with this specific subject matter in a way that is correct, then we will not understand much of the rest of the material we read in textbooks and in many other learning material out there. Of course, s tudents who wish to get good grades in their exams will be lucky if they get a passing grade on their IELTS exam, so it is worth spending a little time on the topic.Again, I am not talking about a critical assessment of IELTS essay topics that might be appropriate for some courses. I simply wanted to point out that I think it is very important to have some depth on a subject to get good grades when taking IELTS exams.

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