Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Creating Chaos and Losing Knowledge - 1334 Words

In â€Å"The Plague†, by Albert Camus, Joseph Grand experiences a creative stagnation. He cannot get past his opening sentence: â€Å"One fine morning in the month of May an elegant young horsewoman might have been seen riding a handsome sorrel mare along the flowery avenue of the Bois de Boulogne.† Having revised it and rearranged it for years, he cannot make sense of it and fails to generate a story. His idea of perfection ruins his creative side. He frantically wants the precise words and thinks that learning Latin will make him a better writer. He uses all of his time and energy creating a first perfect sentence, something that he never achieves. Every time he finishes the sentence, he is unsatisfied and writes it again. He†¦show more content†¦When Cooper is a middle age man, he understands why his parents were not interested in the mazes he created. Thomas would have said that it was their knowledge and their predictable life that got in the way of th eir creative thinking. Yet Cooper, would have said that it was the process of aging that took their creativity away. Cooper’s parents were trapped in their own labyrinth and got disconnected from the simple things in life that brings happiness like playing with their son. I would say that knowledge and aging do not imply losing self-awareness. On the contrary, aging makes people wiser and more connected with themselves if they appreciate the works nature. Moreover, knowledge gives us value; it is a treasure if we use that knowledge to be productive and serve others. Even if we age, we should still accept and look forward for challenges. In â€Å"Crickets, Bats, Cats Chaos† Lewis Thomas observes his cat, but without language he can only guess what his cat’s thoughts or emotions are if he has any. He moves like a gymnast around the house and seems to know all of his moves. For Thomas, his cat might have reached what Chinese Taoists would call a state of â€Å"n o-knowledge† in which he is aware of himself and gets to see the world with a different perspective, like an illumination. In â€Å"The Metamorphosis† by Franz Kafka, Gregor, the protagonistShow MoreRelatedEssay on Its Time to Abolish Religion848 Words   |  4 PagesCan a society exist emancipated from religion? Will its foundations decay due to the absence of it, or will it flourish and achieve a new stratum of knowledge which will result in a peaceful co-existence? The word â€Å"religion† has its roots in the Latin word â€Å"religare† which means to bind together, or to connect; on the contrary I argue religion has been an apparatus of division, rather than achieving collectivism, thus doing much more harm than good. History represents the bloody warfare instigatedRead MoreThe Battle Of The Triple Entente Dominated Europe1452 Words   |  6 PagesPoland. 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